Funding granted for imec.icon 5G BROADCAST
Efficient software-defined adaptive video streaming leveraging 5G terrestrial broadcasting in combination with existing (mobile) over-the-top streaming
Efficient software-defined adaptive video streaming leveraging 5G terrestrial broadcasting in combination with existing (mobile) over-the-top streaming
We’re happy and honored to announce that our light field technology paper “Steered Mixture-of-Experts for Light Field Images and Video - Representation and Coding” has been rewarded with the 2021 IEEE Multimedia Prize Paper Award
Our paper titled "Fast Fallback Watermark Detection using Perceptual Hashes" was accepted for publication to the special issue "Recent Developments and Applications of Image Watermarking" of MDPI Electronics
PhD - Pirates of the Film Industry - The Curse of the Forensic Watermark
ExperienceDNA - We design the perfect user experience for your future innovations
Featured on radiospecial 'Why is this A.I.?', regarding deepfakes and deepfake detection
Paper presented at ICICT 2021 - Implementation-Free Forensic Watermarking