Computer Graphics Forum - 3D mesh compression

Computer Graphics Forum - 3D mesh compression

Paper accepted at Computer Graphics Forum - 3D mesh compression

SELVIE Media Innovation icon

SELVIE Media Innovation icon

SELVIE - Scalable, Efficient, and Low-delay Video Interaction during Events

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - Efficient bit rate transcoding

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - Efficient bit rate transcoding

Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - Efficient bit rate transcoding

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics - Arbitrary downsizing of pre-encoded HEVC video

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics - Arbitrary downsizing of pre-encoded HEVC video

Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics - Arbitrary downsizing of pre-encoded HEVC video

Google Faculty Research Award - recognition of joint work with IDLab-MEDIA (UGent-imec)

Google Faculty Research Award - recognition of joint work with IDLab-MEDIA (UGent-imec)

Thomas Sikora of TU Berlin receives Google Faculty Research Award - recognition of joint work with IDLab-MEDIA (UGent-imec)

Funding granted for imec.icon PRO-FLOW!

Funding granted for imec.icon PRO-FLOW!

Funding granted for imec.icon project PRO-FLOW – Enabling Internet Video Streaming and Collaboration with Sub-Second Latency

Top 10% paper award at IEEE MMSP

Top 10% paper award at IEEE MMSP

Top 10% paper award at IEEE 17th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)