IEEE ICCE 24 - Blind Image Watermarking Robust Against Geometric Transformations

IEEE ICCE 24 - Blind Image Watermarking Robust Against Geometric Transformations

Our paper titled "Blind Deep-Learning-Based Image Watermarking Robust Against Geometric Transformations" was accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2024.

IEEE VCIP 23 - P-Frame Injection

IEEE VCIP 23 - P-Frame Injection

Our paper "P-Frame Injection for Efficient Packet-Loss Repair in Low-Latency Video Streaming with HESP" is submitted at the IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) 2023.

IEEE ISM 23 - Temporal Layer Injection

IEEE ISM 23 - Temporal Layer Injection

Our paper "Temporal Layer Injection for Fast Bitrate Ladder Creation in Live Video Streaming" was accepted at the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) 2023.

OpenDIBR - Open Real-Time Depth-Image-Based renderer of light field videos for VR Featured

OpenDIBR - Open Real-Time Depth-Image-Based renderer of light field videos for VR

OpenDIBR is an openly-available wide-base ligth field renderer geared towards real-time display of multi-camera images/videos, even in Virtual Reality.

Multi-camera setup on a roll

Multi-camera setup on a roll

Our camera setup consisting of 56 PiCameras is ready to bring new wide-baseline light field video datasets to the world.

Factcheck - Fake ads with anti-Ukraine sentiments

Factcheck - Fake ads with anti-Ukraine sentiments

Dr. Hannes Mareen of IDLab-MEDIA was interviewed for a fact check of a fake advertisement

VENTOUX - Video Enrichment to Optimize User Experience of Cycling Race Broadcasts

VENTOUX - Video Enrichment to Optimize User Experience of Cycling Race Broadcasts

Video enrichment of cycling races