Art and Science Interaction Lab at De Krook Featured

Art and Science Interaction Lab at De Krook

Research infrastructure aimed on bringing, testing and measuring next-gen audiovisual, creative and interactive experiences

PCS 2018 - Modeling and Real-Time Rendering of Light Field Video

PCS 2018 - Modeling and Real-Time Rendering of Light Field Video

Two papers accepted for PCS 2018! Modeling and Real-Time Rendering of Light Field Video

AQUa - an adaptive framework for compression of sequencing quality scores with random access functionality

AQUa - an adaptive framework for compression of sequencing quality scores with random access functionality

AQUa - an adaptive framework for compression of sequencing quality scores with random access functionality

Best Poster Award at FEARS 2018

Best Poster Award at FEARS 2018

Best Poster Award at FEARS 2018

Hannes Mareen won the Agoria Prize 2017

Hannes Mareen won the Agoria Prize 2017

Hannes Mareen won the Agoria Prize 2017

ICCE 2018 - Video watermarking

ICCE 2018 - Video watermarking

Paper accepted at ICCE 2018 - Video watermarking

Best Student Paper Award at ICME 2017

Best Student Paper Award at ICME 2017

Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo - ICME 2017